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Name  Ken "Kenjiro" Carter.
Alias "Oni"
Age: 24

Job by Day: Forensics

Job by Night: Vigilante
Abilities: "Ki" or Chi related abilities. Meditation to heal the body and mind at an advanced rate, healing from injuries that may take weeks in several days. Unique awareness of his surroundings, can sense the "intent" of others and frequently uses this to predict someones actions or "sense" when they are not being truthful. Advanced knowledge of mysticism and martial arts ability.
Bio: Kenjiro was born in Gotham, NJ to Thomas and Makoto Carter. Both chemists, his parents met during a consulting contract between Gotham University's labs and a large drug company who's interest in his work completed a mysterious drug that began circulating around the city. Leading a normal life until the age of nine, his father was murdered in their apartment upon returning from Tokyo with his mother. Believing that the company responsible, Makoto became a vengeful spirit, forcing Ken to undergo rigorous martial arts training and home schooling, teaching him various mystic talents she learned as a child herself in Japan. Around the age of fourteen Ken awoke in a private military academy in the countryside, attending for several years before receiving a graduation certificate. Choosing to try leading a normal life, he attended Gotham University and graduated at 24 to become a forensic scientist. After finding a connection between his fathers work and a high toxicity of a blood sample, Ken found a key to an old storage facility which were housed with military weapons and a work bench left as final will and testament of his mother, Makoto. Finding old articles of a Japanese hero called "Onryo", Ken understood that her final will was for him to continue her path and seek justice for his father's murder.

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